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Tax Advice

Do you want to achieve maximum results? How can you limit tax risks and use the right tax opportunities?

As an entrepreneur or director, you cannot continuously keep up to date with all tax rules and laws. We support small, medium, large companies and individuals in optimizing their tax position. We have a solution for every tax issue. In addition, we act as a discussion partner for you at the tax authorities and / or other authorities. Our collected knowledge, for example in the field of financial planning, estate planning and pension advice, guarantees that you are optimally informed about all relevant and current tax developments and their consequences for your situation. 

Income tax

We have extensive knowledge and extensive experience in applying the tax rules in relation to your tax liability. Mainly Surinamese but also Dutch tax law belongs to our primary area of ​​activity. We do not shy away from international and other relevant tax issues. We are here to make your tax life easier!

Wage tax and premium A.O.V

What savings can you realize in the field of wage tax? What risks do you run if you do not correctly apply the Wage Tax Act? And how can you reward your employees in a tax-friendly manner? We advise you on the correct and most profitable application of regulations, levies and reimbursements. We also assess your employment relationships and possible liability risks with regard to employment relationships.

With our knowledge of employment relationships and terms of employment, we help you to optimize personnel costs. We support your organization in sealing the risks of additional assessments or fines. We know the 'ins' and 'outs' of, for example, expense allowances, such as representation allowance, transport allowance, overtime arrangement and the like, and offer expert advice on setting up tax-justified arrangements for the expense allowance.

Sales tax

As an entrepreneur in Suriname (and often beyond) you come into contact with the sales tax legislation. Taxed domestic and / or cross-border deliveries and services or settlement requires specialist and up-to-date knowledge with which you can optimize your turnover tax situation to the dynamics of (inter) national laws and regulations.

Our package includes:

  • (International) advice.
  • Supervising inspections, objection and appeal procedures.
  • Assessing sales tax returns.
  • Compiling sales tax returns.
  • Carrying out sales tax quick scans.

International tax services

You want to get maximum return from tax rules at home and abroad. However, international tax legislation is in full swing. A clear view of international regulations, that is what you are looking for, for you and your foreign offices or interests. We specialize, among other things, in the complexity of international transfer pricing, based on the recent guidelines of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).

Expatriate Services

When expats are work in Suriname, this raises many questions. For the expats themselves, but certainly also for the employer. We can support expats and their employers, especially with regard to taxes.

Estate planning

You want to transfer your assets to the next generation. Preferably without too much taxation. For example in the form of a business transfer, a donation or an estate plan. All these forms of asset transfer come under the heading of estate planning. The boundaries of this specialist service are thus far from being determined. Estate planning also includes matrimonial property law, with the optimization of the matrimonial property regime and the settlement of divorces. Also the valuation of assets and the complex aspects of international situations, such as the possession of a home abroad. We can advise in all these situations on the most optimal positions and adjustments.

Financial planning

You want to stop working. But how does your financial situation look like? How much pension will you actually receive when you turn 60? What happens for tax purposes if you become incapacitated for work or die? Typical questions for financial planners. Financial planning is a form of advice on the private finances of a private individual or entrepreneur. It is an indispensable instrument for managing your income, your pension and wealth accrual and the risks.

A standard solution for your financial planning does not exist and we understand this. There is enormous diversity in personal circumstances. As an entrepreneur you can be in the construction phase of your company. Or you have consolidated your position, for example through the transfer of your company. We have the expertise and experience to provide the best choices and solutions in every situation and every phase.

Pension advice

A good pension scheme is a total concept. Whether it concerns your pension as an entrepreneur or a collective scheme for your employees, you expect an optimal solution for the long term that suits a pensioner. We service you independent pension advice. International tax services.

A pension scheme for you as an entrepreneur
Your vision is our starting point. The ultimate structure of the pension scheme is established in close consultation with you. Financial insight and tax expertise, for example, lead to logical choices. The search then starts for a suitable pension provider who meets your wishes and requirements. In consultation with us, this translates your pension concept into suitable pension products.

Collective employee pension scheme
We can also help you with the development or adjustment of a collective scheme for employee pension. For example, in the role of an independent advisor for a second opinion or for advice on setting up a completely new scheme.

A pension under your own management?
In certain cases, you as an entrepreneur can also keep a pension under your own management. We are happy to answer questions about:

  • when can a pension be kept in-house?
  • what are the advantages and disadvantages of a self-control pension?
  • which regulations must you adhere to?

Medical expenses after retirement.
As an entrepreneur you have invested in your company for years. Most entrepreneurs often forget to form a provision for medical expenses that arise after you have retired as an entrepreneur. We would also be happy to advise you on how to form a provision for any health care costs after retirement.

Do you want to know more?

Our intake interview is free! We are happy to assist you